Friday, July 19, 2013

Early risers

On Tuesday the 16th we got up early...4:00 AM early.  Our goal was to get into Rocky Mountain National Park, get over toward Grand Lake and maybe see some moose.  Those of you who are on Facebook saw a few pics of the sun rise as we made our way up the mountain.  As we were driving the windy twisty road around one corner I thought I saw something in the road.  As we rounded another corner we saw him.  A large bull elk.  He was beautiful.  We popped the sunroof in the Jeep and Diana stood up on the passenger seat and took a few pics.  Moments later we saw another just off the road.

We came across several more elk and a small heard of females grazing.  That morning was wonderful as we made it out of the park on the western side.  As we approached the Ranger station I got a glimpse of a cow moose.  It came through some trees and crossed the road about 150 yards ahead of us.  We finally got a full side view before it moved into some trees.

We made it to Grand Lake and had some breakfast.  On the way back through the park we found, what we think, were the same 2 bulls we saw in the morning resting on the side of the road.

We got home about 3, took a nap and had dinner.  Another great day!!!

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