Saturday, March 2, 2013

First road trip

Today is Saturday March 2, 2013.  After days of packing, fitting and trying various spots for things we finally hit the road on's about time!  But first, (there is always a "but first") we sold Diana's car the night before so we needed to go to DMV and turn in the plates and go to the bank and deposit the check.  So after we get the Jeep hooked up to the RV off we go to DMV.  Sadly, their computer system is down...state wide so we can't turn in the plates.  OK, we'll do it when we get home. The bank was no problem.  While driving down I-95 Di called our insurance company to cancel the policy on her car.  They asked "have you turned in the plates?". We explained no and they explained that if we cancelled the policy before turning in the plate the state would fine us for having and uninsured vehicle.  Nice!  This means we need to carry insurance on a car we do not own for 3 more weeks.  We realized that there are other DMV location that maybe on our way.  Di pulled it up on her phone and sure enough there was one not too far off I-95 in Emporia plus it says wait time is only 6 minutes.  So we figured the computer issues were resolve and we set the GPS for our new destination.  We turned off 95 and as we were taking a secondary road we came upon a campground.  So we stopped and had them fill the propane tank.  Then to DMV.  We pulled into the DMV lot and I saw a sign to go straight ahead for CDL testing.  Well I don't need a CDL so I maneuvered into the parking lot.  While Di went in to return the plates I checked out how I was going to get us out of there.  You may recall we are 56 feet long with the RV and Jeep.  I actually drove out the wrong way through the CDL test area and got out with no problem.  I figured if I was not trying to get a CDL they could not fail me for going the wrong way.  Back to 95.

One thing we both learned while driving is that the wind dynamics around us really effect the vehicle.  Even if a small car passes on the left there is a push to the right as it approaches and a pull to the left as it passes by.  This dynamic is increased by the size of the vehicle passing us.  Buses seem to be the worst.  As each of us drove we learned how to adjust and maintain a steady path in our lane.  When we pass someone the dynamic is still present but it seemed less forceful.  We both have become more relaxed and knowledgeable with driving and I expect as we drive more it will become even easier.

We got to the campground and got hooked up ready for our first night in the RV.  More later.

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