Sunday, March 31, 2013

Great trip

What a great trip!  We learned so much about the RV and if we are going to like it full time.  We are!  We had wonderful visits with Marge and David, Colin and Joyce, Marsh and Carol and Dale and Christy.  We saw some really good spring training baseball and some really bad spring training baseball.  We saw the Minnesota Twins 4 times and Bob thinks they will end up about .500 for the year and not be a factor in their division.  We'll see.

I took some pics for this writing but somehow they have disappeared.  Sorry.  Our last night on the road we stayed in a Walmart parking lot.(imagine a picture here)  We learned that they are not quiet places.  The one we stayed at was closed from midnight to 6 AM but even so there was traffic throughout the night.  It worked out fine but I doubt we will do it often.  But it is nice to know it is an option.

Once home we had to bring a lot of the stuff in the RV back into the house so we could live in there again.  We spent most of the afternoon and part of the next day unpacking and organizing.  All this stuff has to go back in when we go full time so we are trying to keep in separate from other stuff.

We have signed a contract wit a rental agency to rent the house.  They hope to have it rented in mid-May or early June.  In the mean time we have begun packing in earnest.  Diana has been taking pictures of everything, packing it and logging it into an inventory on the computer.  A slow process but she is making great progress.  I have working the crawl space, the storage shed and the garage.  Mostly determining what tools get stored and what tools get sold.  We have had several neighbors over to look at item they may want to buy.  I took apart the stereo cabinet and all the components yesterday.  The house is really quite torn up but there is some organization to the ciaos.

Today is Easter 2013.  We when to the 6 AM sunrise service at church then out to breakfast.  We came home and went back to church for the 9 AM service.  Then home and both took naps!

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