Friday, May 19, 2017

Houston Space Center

While in Houston we visited the Houston Space Center which includes the Johnson Space Center.  All astronauts are trained at the JSC.  This is not a mock up or visitors display, you tour the real thing and see astronauts in training.  There are several massive buildings that hold various training locations and facilities.
We went inside the shuttle 

We saw the Saturn 5 rocket.  We had seen one before but had forgotten how big it is.
It takes an entire building and it is on its side.

The 5 engines

One of the rocket stage couplings

We saw the mission control room where all Apollo missions and many more were run.  Remarkably there were no computers or calculators for Apollo 11.  Just slide rules and manual calculation.
In 1969 for Apollo 11 this was very high tech.

Now our cell phones could do the job with the right app!

And we both got to touch a moon rock!!!
We spent the entire day at the center.  It was amazing.

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