Monday, January 27, 2014


From Austin we went to Corpus Christi and spent a week in a campground right on Corpus Christi Bay.  This could have been a great place but the weather was poor much of our time there.  One day was about 73 degrees at 3 in the afternoon.  But the forecast was for a big cold front to come through mid afternoon and cool things of considerably.  About 3:30 the wind came out of the north and we had sustained 30 mph wind with gusts to 50 for the next 10 hours.  The temp the next morning was 31 and a slight rain made the bridges in the area freeze.  A big change.  But what we were most concerned with was the wind.  The RV was rocking back and forth and being buffeted by the gusts.  I was concerned we might have some damage to the protective awnings over the slides but there was none.  So even parked with all 4 levelers firmly on the ground we are rocked by wind.  It was a little nerve racking but we did just fine.  Let's call it a confidence booster!


In Austin we wanted to see the LBJ library.  Neither of us had been to a Presidential library and having just been to Dallas where LBJ became President we decided that this would be a good place to see.
We both enjoyed the tour.

From there we went to the state capitol.

 The rotunda floor

The rotunda ceiling

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dallas and JFK

The main thing I wanted to see in Dallas was where JFK had been shot.  Diana and I were in 7th grade in 1963.  She was in Webster, NY and I was in Irwin, PA.  So while in Dallas we went to the famous Book Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald shot from the 6th floor window.

This is a scale model of the book depository.

This is the real building from outside.  this is the approximate view from the street.  In 1963 the trees were not blocking the view.

The museum does a nice job of laying out the events leading up to the assassination and covers the Warren Report and the many conspiracy theories that exist about the assassination.  It leaves open the question of who and why Kennedy was killed.

The X is where the first bullet hit Kennedy

This X is the second shot that hit him.

I had so many emotions during the walk thru the museum.  But I was really spooked when I saw the spot where Oswald was when he shot JFK.  I sometimes wonder how the USA and the world might be different if Kennedy had not been assassinated...better, worse, the same...who knows?


While we were visiting Diana's cousin Lucy and her husband Ronnie the topic of guns and hunting came up.  Ronnie is a big hunter.  They have many guns all locked away in a gun safe and all proper precautions are taken.  But when Lucy heard that Diana had never shot a gun she decided to change that.  So she and Ronnie pulled out several guns including rifles and hand guns.

We placed the guns in the trunk of the car and off we went to their place on Lake Claiborn.  There we loaded and fired the guns.  A hand gun Lucy called "the Judge", a rifle, and an AK-47.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

On the road again

Well after about a 2 month vacation from the RV we are back.  We left Ruston, LA where we visited Diana's cousin Lucy and her husband Ronnie for about a week.  Two wonderful folks and we had a great time.  Now we are just south of Dallas, TX and will begin planning the details of the next few weeks.  We will be in Mesa, AZ from February 20 until March 27 for spring training baseball.  If you plan to be near by during that time let us know, we'll try to get together.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Not done!!! Really?!?

The original plan was that while we were gone Dixie RV in Hammond, LA would do some warranty work, do an oil change and replace the wind shield.  Additionally, Camping World would install 2 window awnings on the driver's side.  The awnings were our birthday and Christmas gifts to each other.  Dixie RV and Camping World are different companies but at this location they share a building.  When you walk in if you go to the left you enter Camping World.  If you turn right you are in Dixie RV.  We were assured that they do communicate and that all work could be coordinate and done.

We dropped off the RV on November 23rd with a detailed written list of items to be done and by whom.  We also said we would pick up the RV on December 30th.  While we were gone we called several times to see how things were going and if the 30th was still good.  I called on December 27th and was told they were going to try to do the windshield that afternoon but the RV would not be ready until the 2nd.  Not great news but OK, we can adapt.  So we end up in hotels for several extra nights, no big deal.

I had made arrangements to pick up the RV on the 2nd between 10 and 11 in the morning thinking we could then get to the near by campground.  We would unpack and get the RV systems up and running.  When we got to Dixie we were told they were working on it and it would be awhile.  So we decided to go to lunch.  Then we shopped for awhile the we killed some more time and returned to Dixie.  We we told that the vehicle was done and during the walk thru we found out otherwise.  First of all Diana put her hand down on the passenger seat and cut her finger on a piece of glass  The entire seat was covered in glass clearly left from the windshield replacement.  Then we learned that the heating system issue/question had not made it from the list I had left to the actual work order.  So it had not been done.  While the service writer went in to get someone to come out and clean up the glass we decided we'd check out the awnings.  A very good decision since we found that only one had been installed!  So while the RV is being taken back into Dixie for the heating issue we went into Camping World to ask about the other awning, which we had paid for in advance.  Well when the parts came in they had the wrong hardware for one of the awnings.  The new hardware was in but they could not find it!  After an other hour they found it and began the awning installation.  This has gotten to be a long story so I'll cut short.  We finally got everything done and got out of there about 5:45.  They close at 6.

This was not the way we had figured the day would go and certainly not the way I wanted to spend my birthday!  We will not be going back to Dixie RV.  Ever!