Sunday, November 17, 2013

Great River Road Complete!!!

On November 16, 2013 we completed our journey down the Great River Road.  This took roughly 3 months, but we took a side trip to Wisconsin for 2+ weeks and spent 3 weeks near the Twin Cities.  Several places along the GRR we saw signs indicating that one drop of water entering the the river at the beginning would take about 90 days to make it to the Gulf of Mexico.  We were not too far off of that timing.  Our approach was to follow the official GRR as much as possible unless we found roads closer to the river, then we followed as closely as we could.  Below is a summary in pictures and words of the trip.  Many places along the GRR we could not see the river at all, other places we were within a few feet.

It all starts at Lake Itasca in Minnesota.

We think Wisconsin has the most scenic drive on the river. 

 Tennessee was the only state with brown signs.

We did about half the road in the RV and the other half we parked the RV in a campground and drove the Jeep.  We drove in all 10 states that touch the river.

The river does not have an official end!  This is because south of New Orleans it begins to branch off and split around dozens of islands.  Technically it does not end until it is out in the Gulf a way.  We followed the road as far as you can by car.   This is as close to the end as we could get.

It was a fun adventure with some beautiful scenery and some just plain ugly industry.  What a blessing to have been able to do this.  Now we celebrate!!

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