Friday, May 31, 2013

New Toy

We have been struggling for awhile on the best way to keep the tires on the RV properly inflated.  The typical gas station air pump does not have enough power to fill to 100 psi.  Getting the tires checked/filled at a truck stop is an option but that means the tires are not "cold" since we would have had to drive some distance to get there.  We looked at a small compressor to take with us but they seemed too weak to push the 100 psi.  Also the information on line s confusing at best.  Wednesday we looked for a compressor and after 3 stores, lengthy conversations with sales folks, and much concern we bought one.  The 2 big concerns were 1, could we stow it on board and 2 will it be powerful enough to do the job?  As it turned out the answer to both questions was yes.  So now we will check tire pressure in both the Jeep and the RV before we leave each campground.  I am one happy boy!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thank you

Last night was our last cul de sac party in the neighborhood.  The children made a picture album for us with pictures of each of them and notes they had written.  Very cool and very touching.  The adults put together a ton of food.  While we are very excited to continue our journey, leaving Bantry Terrace is very difficult.  Each individual is special, the families are wonderful and the children are amazing.  We were blessed to be part of that neighborhood. It was a tearful drive home.  We will miss everyone very much.  Thank you all.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


On a hike through Pocahontas State park yesterday we were blessed to find a turtle digging a hole to lay her eggs.  No parenting taught her how, no manual to read and no internet search...just natural instinct.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pocahontas State Park

we are just south and west of Richmond in Chester Virginia.  Nice campground and a little closer to the church than Amelia.  Since the weather is nice we plan to do some hiking around the park.  We have no sewer hook up so one of today's tasks is to break down the RV and go empty our tanks.  Then come back and reset camp.  Should take about 45 minutes to an hour.

Last night we had some friends over for dinner.  The weather was about 90 degrees but a nice breeze.  We spent  most of the time outside until dark when the bugs got to us.  Great evening.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Locked out

On May 12th we were doing the final cleaning of the house before our tenant moved in on the 13th.  We were also doing laundry for the last time at the house.  During the cleaning the owner of the rental company we have a contract with arrived to change the locks.  While he worked so did we.  We had been invited to my brothers house for dinner and Mother's day celebration.  While the last load of clothing was in the dryer I went to the store to purchase the ice cream we were to bring to my brother's.  While there I also bought some beer.  I got back to the house (we no longer consider it home) and put the ice cream in the freezer and the beer in the refrigerator.  Diana was on the phone with Daniel,  he called for Mother's day.  As the conversation went on Di and I folded laundry, packed the car and got ready to leave.  On what turned out to be the last trip I closed the door.  It was locked, we have no key anymore.  Then we realized the ice cream and beer were still inside.  Well, shoot!  Now what?  We can not get back in so back to the store for more ice cream and beer then off to Don's.  Hope the tenant appreciates the welcome gift!  She is from Texas and the beer is too.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hot Water

Last night we had beautiful weather.  So when we got to the RV from working on the house I pulled out some lawn chairs and we had happy hour outside.  It was great since we have not had many days to be out because of the rain and cool temps.  As we headed inside I stowed the chairs, grill and other stuff because it is supposed to rain again today.  Later I was going to hand wash some dishes. (All dishes are hand washed as there is no dishwasher in the RV.  Well, there is but his name is Bob!)  As I start in with the washing the water never got hot.  Well, shoot, now what!  So I check the switch to the water heater to be sure it had not been turned off accidentally.  It was fine.  Next I checked the circuit breaker, it also seemed fine.  Next I switched the heat source from electric to propane to see if that will heat the water.  Wait 20 minutes...test the water...cold!  So I went out and opened the panel to the hot water tank.  It is warm and all seems fine.  I give up for the night.  Diana washed her face with cold water and we crawled into bed.  I did not sleep well thinking about the up coming cold shower in the morning and what we might have to do to get the hot water back.  Woke up this morning and thought of one more thing before I call the RV dealer service center and make a fool of myself.  Good thing too.  Apparently when I put the chair away last night I turned on the by pass valve for the water heater.  This allows cold water to flow but by passes the hot water tank(thus the name).  The purpose of this is so when you winterize the water system you don not put antifreeze in the water tank.  (I guess that would be bad.)  So I turned the valve back on and BINGO!!!We have hot water.

Now I'll wash the dishes then take a nap!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So we have a mail service company in South Dakota.  They receive our mail and sent us an email telling us who the mail is from.  We then email back and have the service destroy or forward it to us.  We just need to tell them where to mail it.  We have it sent to a campground we will be staying in the next week or so after we get the info they have mail.  So while 90% of our communication is electronic, we do get some snail mail.  So, we changed the addresses on the accounts and such that were needed.  Then we learned that one of us (likely Bob) had the wrong one number in the unit number.  So back we go to change it all again.  Frustrating.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Here's the plan

So now we are full time and living in the Amelia Family Campground in Amelia Virginia.  We are making the 20 mile trip into Midlothian for various things like church activities and also to continue finishing up the house.  The plan is to be here for about 2 weeks.  Then we will move to Pocahontas State Park, also near Midlothian.  We will be there for about 10 nights then off to Powhatan, just west of Midlothian.  On June 1 we will leave the area.  First stop is Rehoboth, Delaware to visit the Dogfish Head Brewery.  From there we are off to Virginia Beach to spend a week with Di's brother Charlie and his wife Betty.  They are coming from Minnesota for the visit.  After VA Beach we head west to meet up with our son, Daniel, in Denver on July 4.  We'll spend about a week with him and then he will head back to Maui.  We will head north but do not have specific plans as yet.

This week will be very busy but fly by quickly.  The rest of May will be more relaxed as we try to visit with as many friends and with my brother and his family before we leave the area.  A melancholy time with an eye on an exciting adventure.

Day One

As of April 29, 2013 we are full time RVers.  Here is our first home.

The 29th was an eventful day.  First the estates sale company showed up at our house and began preparations for the sale on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th.  Four women worked all day Monday and 3 worked all day Tuesday to prepare.  The staging looks great.

Second, we learned that we have a signed lease for the house and the tenant will be moving in on May 13.  This is great news and with the painting and carpet work already scheduled for the week of the 6th the timing could not be better.

And now we are FULL TIME RVers!!!  It has taken 6 months of planning and work but we made it!  Now what do we do!!!???