Thursday, July 6, 2017


As has been documented several times in this blog, we have problems with the toilet system.  Even the RV manufacturer acknowledges the system is a problem.  A forum I subscribe to has indicated other folks have issues too.  One Fleetwood tech just rolled his eyes and said he could not talk about it when asked if they have a lot of repairs.

With out going into a lot of detail, it is a vacuum system that when you flush the toilet a vacuum pump pulls all the waste into the black holding tank.  In the past the pump has broken open but continued to pump.  This put waste material into the belly of the RV but not into the tank.  A huge mess!! This time the pump just stopped working.  So we have no toilets.  Lucky for you we also have no pictures.

We are not having the pump repaired or replaced.  We are replacing the entire system with a macerating toilet.  The idea behind this system is that when you flush all the waste is ground up then moved to the black tank.  Not pumped but pushed. The repair tech and all the info I can find online says these systems can move waste 20 to 30 feet horizontally and 9 feet vertically.  We will be moving waste about 5 to 7 feet and up about 10 inches.  It should work...right?  This system has been used in marine settings for years.  But then so has our vacuum system.  From what I can tell there are few problems on boats with the vacuum system but RVs are a different story.  Currently, Harvey is is storage while we travel to northern MN by car. When we get back to the Twin Cities the parts will be in and we have an appointment to have the new system installed.  All research to date says this will work but I am still a little nervous. The only down side I've seen so far is that the new toilets will be 19 inches tall.  That is several inches taller than our already tall toilets.  We may need a stool to get to the stool!  Expect additional posts.

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