Thursday, June 9, 2016

Winter of '15-'16

It has been awhile since I've written and there are 2 reasons for that; first we were in Mesa, AZ for the winter and while we were busy there was not much that warranted writing, second, and the main reason, I just got lazy.  So we have some posts to make up and then I hope to stay current this summer.

Winter in Mesa was great.  We got in on September 30th...very early in the season and 108 degrees.  It was a great place to leave the RV while we did some other things.  The biggest item on the agenda was complete selling the house in Midlothian (Richmond), which we did and are quite happy about it.  We also went to Midlothian to visit my brother and his family, visit with friends and take care of a few other business items.

Over the winter we had some visitors.  Diana's college room mate, Barbara came for a few days.  The ladies took a few days and went to the Grand Canyon and a few other points of interest.

 Also, our nephew and his wife Fanny stayed for a few days.  This is the nephew whose wedding we attended in China last summer.

If you need a winter get away, we can sleep 2 and would love to have some company.

For New Year's Eve I played the New Year's Baby.

And in the spring Diana was in the talent show.

Day to day stuff was mostly playing golf, enjoying time with friends and being nice and warm.  We also made it to several baseball games including Spring Training opening day and the Diamondbacks regular season opener against the Rockies.  We also spent time planning to not over plan the summer trip to Alaska!

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