Sunday, October 20, 2013


We have 3 heat sources on the RV.  A propane furnace that will run whether we are hooked up to shore power or not, an electric fire place that will run when we have shore power or if the generator is running and a heat pump that will run on shore power or when the generator is running.  There are advantages and disadvantages to each so we try to optimize their use.

As the weather here in Wisconsin turns cooler we have learned a little more about the heating systems.  Up until now we have relied mostly on the fire place and the heat pump to warm the RV.  Both are electric and since we pay the same price for a camp site no matter how much electricity using these 2 heat sources make the most cents (pun intended).  This week we have learned that the heat pump produces little to no heat when the outside temperature gets to about 40 degrees or less.  This means that on a morning like today when it is 32 degrees at 5 AM the heat pump is running full time but producing no heat.  So then the propane furnace kicks in and warms the place very nicely.

I know that heat pumps are less efficient as the temps drop, which is why nobody has them for their house in cold climates.  But it is now good to know where our cut off point is.  And we are warm and toasty in cool Wisconsin...but heading south tomorrow!!!

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