Monday, July 30, 2018

An odd day

We spent 1 night at a park and recreation area near Maidstone, Saskatchewan.  Had we known the park was so cool we would have planned another day.  We got up early and played 9 holes of golf before we hit the road.  On the way we knew we needed gasoline and there was a town called North Battleford that for some reason had gas much cheaper than anywhere else.  We had enough gas to get there so the plan was to stop and fuel up both Harvey and the car.

We drove by 2 stations with great prices but no way for us to get in and out.  We finally found one we thought would work if we disconnected the car.  We disconnected on the side of the road in front of the station.  Because the lanes were tight and other cars we had to back in to the pump.  That was fun.  264 liters or 71 gallons later(Harvey only hold 80) We were full.  We pulled the car and Harvey around back and re-hooked up.  The entire process took about and hour but we figured we saved about $16 US.

We headed east on Canada 16 toward Saskatoon.  We got to our camp ground and realized it was a run down hotel with even more run down RV parking out back.  We could tell by the shape of the building by the campground that at one time this was a KOA.  KOA are exceptionally nice but this one was no longer a KOA and no longer nice.

We had to go into the hotel lobby to check in.  The first thing the lady told was we could stay in the campground, but if it rained the place became very muddy and we might have trouble getting out.  But we could stay in a site out front if we wanted.  We said out front sounded better.  We disconnected the car and tried to maneuver Harvey into place.  The site was too short to back in so we tried to parallel park.  That might have worked except for all the tree branches hitting the roof.  So we looked out back to see if that would work.  There was no way we were getting Harvey into any of those spots nor did we want to spend the night there.  We got a refund but lost about 45 minutes.  We called another campground and they could get us in.  It took about 30 minutes to get there and we did not hook the car up.  We just drove separately.  The second place worked great.

So we decide with only 1 night in Saskatoon we should jump in the car and drive around.  So we saw parts of the city.  We sought out Saskatoon Brewery for some samples and dinner.  As usual at a brewery we sat at the bar so we could engage the bartender in conversation about the brewery.  I asked about a flight.  For those who don't know, a flight is a sampling of several of the breweries beers.  They usually have 4 to 6 small tasters for a nominal fee.  The bar tender said they did not do flights but the tasting room did.  He'd check to see if they were open.  He came back and said sure we could go back.  To get to the tasting room from the restaurant I had to go thru the men's room and out the back door.  Diana did the same thru the women's room.  This lead us into a very nice tasting room and brewery.  Very odd!  Anyway, we sat at the bar and the server/bartender came over and I asked for a flight.  She gave me a blank look and said "a what"?  I said a flight, a sample of several beers.  She had no idea what I was talking about.  I explained it again and she said she would have to talk to her manager.  A few minutes later she came back, gave us a sample of 5 beers and said there was no charge.  Again, very odd.

So this entry ended up being odd and a lot longer than I thought it would be...just like our day!

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