Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Abilene, KS

There are not many reasons to go to Abilene.  But we went to see the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library.  We were both pretty young during Ike's administration but do have some memories from the time.

The library is actually a campus made up of several buildings.  There is the library which had a nice exhibit of Ike's military career and a history of World War II.  There is a building with the chronology of his life.  There is also a building with his and his wife's grave site.  We thought he would have been buried in Arlington National Cemetery but no, he is buried in his home town.

We took no pictures while there but spent about 4 hours reading plaques, studying pictures and getting some history and perspective of Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower.

Don't make a special trip, but if you are near Abilene, stop by.  It was a fun afternoon.

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