Saturday, May 9, 2015

Death valley National Park

We had been to Death Valley several years earlier.  We had gone to Las Vegas, rented a car and drove over for part of a day.  This time we were there for a week. We had forgotten how beautiful it is.  The rocks have so many colors and variations that are amazing.  While we were there the daily temperature was between 103 and 107.  So the strategy was to get up early, get out and do some hiking and maybe some site seeing but the be back home in the early afternoon when the temps were already in the upper 90s.  We'd stay inside most of the rest of the day.  Thank goodness the RV has AC!!

This is a land of contrast.  While it is one of the driest places on earth we saw several springs and vast areas of green bushes.  The entire valley is below sea level with Bad Water being the lowest spot in the western hemisphere.

 One dive in particular shows multicolored formations.

 There was just so much that I can't/won't show it all.  But one place of special interest was Scotty's Castle.

This place was built by a very wealthy man as a vacation home to escape Chicago winters.  The engineering and design are amazing for that era.  It was never finished, but the history and story of Scotty are fascinating.  FYI, Scotty is not the owner or builder!

There are several small herds of wild mules in the area.  We found some one day while exploring a lesser traveled road up out of the valley but still within the park.  Many years ago, these guys either ran away from their prospector or the prospector gave up looking for gold and just released the mule.  Now they are wild residents of the park.

Finally, here are some miscellaneous tidbits.
The town of Beatty, Nevada is about 30 miles outside the valley.  Several times we were on Beatty Road.  We'd been to Beatty before so there was no real need to go back


Yes it was hot.  107 even as a dry heat is still hot.

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