Monday, May 26, 2014

Close call

We were both exhausted when we went to bed.  Now, by definition, anything that interrupts your sleep always happens "in the middle of the night".  "The middle of the night" is defined as anytime between when you go to sleep and when you expect to get up.  So 1:00 AM could be "the middle of the night" just as 5:00 AM could be.  In this case it was 3:40 AM.  We were awakened by a load noise just outside the back of the RV.  It was a thud, crash, boom combination.  We both sat up and wondered what it was.  I got dressed quickly, grabbed a flash light and went out.  By night I could tell there was no damage to the RV.  The next day here is what I found.

This is the back of our RV.  The part you can see stinking out of the right side of the RV is part of our bedroom.

The tree had just split near the base of the trunk.  Fortunately, there was no damage to anything.  The section of tree had fallen so that it did not hit any RV or any vehicles.  But it was close to our RV and to a truck parked behind us.

Once we realized there was no damage and the tree would be removed in the light of day we had no problem getting back to sleep.

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