Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Major League Baseball

On April 14, 2014 we went to see the San Diego Padre's host the Colorado Rockies at Petco Park in San Diego.  We had had a great time at spring training in Arizona but getting back to the regular season was great.  The atmosphere at the ball park is elevated, there is more ceremony, and the stakes are higher.  We had a great time, enjoyed the park and saw an interesting game.  But a few things came to mind about watching baseball.

When we go to a game we are there to watch the game.  We both keep score.  Diana uses a table and a program called "6-4-3".  I score the old fashioned way using a score book and pencil.  The conversation during the game is about the game.  Wild pitch or passed ball, notice the shift, the ball strike count on the scoreboard is wrong.  That sort of stuff.  So I am presenting "Bob's Rules for Baseball Fans".

Rule 1.  Do not stand, walk or converse in front of anyone during game action.  Even if you are "just in the aisle" you are in front of someone.
Rule 2.  Game action includes just about everything all the time.
Rule 3.  Go to and from your seat ONLY between half innings.  And do not linger.  Move quickly.
Rule 4.  Return to your seat only between pitches.  Then get in sit down quickly.  Then distribute the food you brought back.
Rule 5.  Don't ask anyone with a score book any question during the action (see rule 2 about action).
Rule 6.  NEVER EVER leave a game early!  For any reason...EVER!
There may be additions to these rule during the game based on circumstances.

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