Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rain, mountains and pumps

Yesterday we drove from Smith Mountain State park in western VA to Beech Lake State Park near Barboursville, WV.  A lot of up and down through the mountains and it was raining all day.  Some times just a little but often it rained hard for 10 - 15 minutes at a time.  This made the drive more difficult but we were fine.  Not making great time but we never make great time with the 2 vehicles.  About an hour and a half away from our destination the transmission fluid pump that circulates the tranny fluid in the Jeep while in tow started to beep and flash red.  We pulled over at the next exit and got out to check connections etc.  Of course this is one of the time it was raining hard.  We checked everything but still were getting the alarm.  So we disconnected the Jeep and Diana drove it while I drove the RV.  No problem with the Jeep or the RV.

To get to the campground at the state park we took some bad roads (GPS directed and the only way in or out).  Very hilly, very windy, very narrow and very rough.  Sort of like driving up to and down from the Blue Ridge Parkway, only in an RV it was scary.  Diana said looking at the RV from the Jeep that there were several times while rounding hair pin turns I had one tire off the road more than once.  But we got in safely.

Today I called our dealer about the tranny pump.  They thought it was very possible that given how much rain we went through that a connection may have gotten wet and just sent the alarm.  Today when I hooked up the system seemed fine.  We'll know more when we travel again on Friday.

Did I mention the generator won't start??  Nope.  No a big deal right now but we need it.  So while talking to the dealer, he told me I could manually start it so I'll try that.  We have no phone or internet at the camp sight.  We are sitting in a Panara in Barboursville for now.

By the way, yesterday afternoon the sun came out while we set up.  We were both too tired to cook so we had munchies and beer for dinner.  A good day!

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